How To Punish A Greedy And Cunning Girlfriend – Part 3

Women clothing shop | How To Punish A Greedy And Cunning Girlfriend – Part 3

How To Punish A Greedy And Cunning Girlfriend – Part 3

Anthony Village Senior High School, Lagos, Nigeria | Women clothing shop | How To Punish A Greedy And Cunning Girlfriend – Part 3
Anthony Village Senior High School, close to my house

Deka arrived my Anthony Village house that morning, more than an hour before our agreed time. She came in one of her best dresses. Anybody who saw her that day would think she was dressed for a very formal party.

In order not to look different, I also decided to dress in a very corporate manner.  I dressed in one of my imported French suits, with my pair of Italian shoes, which a friend of mine gave me as gift during my last birthday. As soon as I was ready for that journey, we drove off, in my car, to her preferred clothing shop on Allen Avenue.

The female owner of the shop and some of members of her staff were discussing their business when Deka and I arrived there at exactly 11.27 A.M. They received and treated us as a king and a queen, with the hope of being about to make good sales.

As we commenced shopping, Deka looked at me with a warm smile and whispered into my ears, saying: “How much did you budget for my shopping?”

“Don’t bother about my budget for your shopping,” I replied. “Just pick anything you like here. I have come to show you that I still love you, irrespective of the ignominious manner you treated me.”

“Oh,” she exclaimed joyfully, “you’re a darling. May God bless you.”

With that blank cheque she received from me, she went round the entire store, picking dresses, shawls, bags, shoes, and wristwatches, among others.

When she had satisfied herself, I requested the cashier to calculate the costs of all the items that she picked and write our cash receipt for us, which the cashier did. The total amount of the items selected by Deka was $1,653.98 (one thousand, six hundred and fifty-three dollars, ninety-eight cents).

After browsing through the receipt, which the cashier gave to me in a golden saucer, I turned to Deka and asked her: “Are you sure you’ve picked all that you wanted and needed?” and she said: “Yes, for now.”

As I slipped my hand into my trousers pocket, pretending to bring out my wallet, I exclaimed and said: “Oh, what a mistake?”

“What is it, darling?” Deka asked with a surprise. “I hope it is well.”

“Yes, it is well, darling” I replied. “It seems I forgot my wallet in my car.”

“Go and bring it while I wait here,” suggested Deka.

On getting to where I parked my car, I simply jumped into it and drove off straight to my house, leaving Deka and the shop-owners to sort themselves out.  That was the beginning of my punishment for Deka.

How To Punish A Greedy And Cunning Girlfriend – Part 3.

By John Wilson

                                                                                                                                          …to be continued

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