Are You Good to Be Asking for a Good Partner?

Are You Good to Be Asking for a Good Partner?

Are you looking forward to finding a good partner for marriage? Or, are you already planning or preparing to get married?

If yes, this article on the traits of a good marriage will help you in choosing the right life partner.

If you’re already married, this article is also for you, as it offers some tips you can use to advise your children or wards on how on have a successful marriage.

Let’s get into the tips for a successful marriage.

One of the most common or the most popular ways of contracting marriage, when I was growing up, was mostly through recommendations.

The recommendations usually came from parents, relations, friends, and colleagues of the people intending to get married.

For example, parents were known to have introduced women and men they considered to be of good behaviour to their sons and daughters for marriage.

a happy smiling couple

But today, marriage through recommendations, is no longer as popular as it was then, due to civilization occasioned by advancement in education.

Today, men and women get married simply by making their marriage choices independent of anybody and in any way that pleases them.

There’s one aspect of this freedom of making marriage choices that caught my attention recently.

It is the situation where those who are intending to get married make up lists of the marriage traits or qualities that they expect their would-be spouse to have or possess.

Almost every man or woman who’s intending to get married has his or her own list of desired marriage traits.

While some of them have their own written down in black and white, others have their own in their heads.

Immediately after I made the discovery, I decided to speak with some men and women to know what they had to say about it, and all of them bared their minds on the subject matter.

Immediately below, is a list of some common traits of a good marriage that most of the men I spoke with told me they desired in a woman.

Traits of a good marriage that men desire in women

For me, I had neither a mental nor physical list of desired marriage traits that I needed my would-be wife to have when I was preparing to get married.

Rather than doing that, I simply allowed God to make the best choice of a wife for me, and He did it perfectly fine; more than I could have done.

Take a look, below, and you’ll see some of the common traits of a good marriage that most women desired in men.

Traits of a good marriage that women desire in men

Self-Development for a Healthy Marriage

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any man or woman having a mental or physical list of marriage traits that he or she expects his or her future life partner to possess.

However, I have a reservation concerning this practice.

My reservation lies in the area where a man or a woman expects so much traits of a good marriage from his or her life partner, but has little or none of those traits to offer in return.

For example, why should a dishonest and/or distrustful man or a woman desire an honest and trustworthy person as his wife or husband?

Isn’t that another form of wickedness?

It is!

So, if you have a list of traits you expect your would-be spouse to possess, you need to ask yourself some pertinent questions and proffer answers to such questions, based on your list of traits.

For example, if you’re a woman and you want a man who gives freely to be your husband, ask yourself, ‘Do I have the spirit of giving, let alone giving freely?’

Then, if you’re a man who needs a humble and submissive wife, ask yourself, ‘Do I freely admit my mistakes and accept advice from people, when and where necessary? or ‘Do I just do whatever I like and be defensive when corrected over an error?’ and so on and so forth.

If your answer to the question you asked yourself is ‘NO,’ then, you must, first of all, work on yourself.

The need for you to work on yourself is of utmost importance because marriage is a two-way traffic; the person you expect to possess the marriage traits and qualities that you have on your list might also have similar marriage traits or qualities that he or she expects you to possess.

For more emphasis, self-improvement in relationships is not an option.

It is a MUST, in order to avoid you putting your partner into trouble or causing him/her some regrets or heartbreak when both of you eventually get married.

The importance of self-reflection in marriage cannot be overemphasized.

Lest I forget, it is not a must that you and your would-be spouse must be equally good or perfect.

No, that’s not what I mean.

What I mean is that you should at least have some traits of a good marriage that would make up for the ones he or she doesn’t have, while his or her good traits would make up the weak part of you.


In other words, when you have the marriage traits that he or she doesn’t have, and he or she has those that you don’t have, complementing each other in marriage becomes the next option.

You cannot just walk or stroll into marriage without some good marriage traits and expect your would-be life partner to have all the good marriage traits in the world.

No, marriage doesn’t work that way; it is a union of ‘give-and-take.’

You must give to be able to take, otherwise, the marriage won’t work.

In conclusion, you must know yourself before venturing into marriage, lest you end up quitting or destroying your marriage by yourself.

If you wish to build a strong marriage and have an enjoyable married life, like the young couple in the above photograph, you must have some traits of a good marriage to complement those of your would-be spouse.

I repeat, you must possess some traits of a good marriage, with a view to complementing those of your would-be spouse.

Relationships Love Sex wishes you the best!

Are you good to be asking for a good partner? THE END.